on August 30, 2019

Hello my beautiful students! Welcome back and for you new ones, I want to introduce myself. I am Miss Lilian, the Founder, Counselor, General Principal and Blog writer of British American Institute. I am more than happy this year because I have exciting news to share.

This new school year will bring many new wonderful adventures for you and me!

One of them is that you will start to learn SIGN LANGUAGE (Lengua de Señas), in your classroom! This will be made possible by your new teacher Miss Graciela Rascón Miranda.

Communicating with others is vital in order to have a happy and rewarding life. But not all people are born with the ability to hear, like most of us. There are many people who cannot hear, either because they were born that way or because of an illness or accident.

Can you imagine how you would feel if you couldn’t hear? Life would be very difficult, I bet!

Miss Graciela was born deaf, so she had a difficult time during her childhood years because she could not communicate like you and me. She had to learn sign language in order to do so and learn to read lips, so she could understand what others were saying. So when you speak to her be sure to speak slowly and look her directly in the eyes.

Because communicating is so important, we should  all learn sign language so that we may be able to “talk” with any deaf person we happen to meet.

Sign language in English is different from sign language in Spanish. Miss Graciela will teach you the Spanish version.

I want you to be very polite and behave perfectly well with Miss Graciela, and show her what excellent students you all are! Make her feel welcome and loved. She is a very caring and loving lady who is very happy to have the opportunity of teaching you sign language this school year.

Now YOU have this fantastic opportunity to learn another way of communicating! Be grateful and take advantage of it. Our school is doing its best to offer you this wonderful new class.;_ylt=AwrWnaNOXmldXHUA8wsPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw–?p=youtube+videos+en+espa%C3%B1ol+lenguaje+de+se%C3%B1as+para+ni%C3%B1ods&fr=yhs-pty-pty_maps&hspart=pty&hsimp=yhs-pty_maps#id=26&vid=17c729c61a105e2e12dd238d57ac3a57&action=view;_ylt=AwrWnaNOXmldXHUA8wsPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw–?p=youtube+videos+en+espa%C3%B1ol+lenguaje+de+se%C3%B1as+para+ni%C3%B1ods&fr=yhs-pty-pty_maps&hspart=pty&hsimp=yhs-pty_maps#id=17&vid=3e7512aacfc56ec34d4d25ecbb81915f&action=view



  1. Patty Boccaccio says:

    Dear Miss Lilian, thank you very much for sending us your blog, my students did not know what sign language was, they had many doubts, fortunately it´s clearer now.
    They are excited and expectant to meet our new teacher.
    My students send their love, hope to see you soon, be well Miss Lilian
    Love Miss Patty


  2. mibruja says:

    Hi Miss Lilian! We are very excited to start learning sign language. We appreciate that you are always thinking of us. It is going to be a wonderful experience. With love, 5a


  3. Miss Yulene 3A says:

    Dear Miss Lilian,
    Thank you for welcoming us to a new school year. We are very excited to begin a new chapter and to learn new things, this means our new sign language class.

    My students are happy to learn sign language because this means we will be able to communicate with people that cannot hear. They also thank you for sharing the video that shows us that communication does not have to be a barrier.

    We hope to see you very soon!!! We love you and miss you!!

    XOXO Miss Yulene and 3A


  4. willkay says:

    Thanks Miss Lilian! We are excited (Except for Manuel who is very excited!)


  5. Penelope Mancilla says:

    Hello Miss Lilian,
    We are very happy and excited for this new school year!
    When we found out we were going to have this new class in our school, we couldn’t hold our excitement and we been waiting for it the whole week ready to learn.
    Now that we have read this, we will write you soon how we have been doing and what have we learned.

    We send you lots of love,
    Miss Penelope and 3rd B.


  6. Tere Rochin says:

    Good morning Miss Lillian, the children are very excited about the opportunity they are given to learn a third language. They are anxiously waiting for Wednesday to be here.
    Thank you for this great idea!
    I am sure it will be a thrilling new experience for all of us.
    See you soon.


  7. Sarah Carpio says:

    My 5th graders are eager to learn sign language this school year!
    We had our first class yesterday, they were very interested and very receptive.
    I think this will help them to have more empathy with people who has special needs, and to be thankful for the abilities they have.

    Thank you Miss Lilian!


  8. Miss Marcela says:

    “Hi Miss Lilian!”
    |We miss you!”
    “We are your new children from 1st grade B!”
    “The video that we saw is wonderful!”
    “The video was so lovely!”
    “Your idea of learning sign language is so good.”
    “We have a girl here that knows the vowels in sign language.”

    The children are very excited Miss Lilian, and they want to start learning sign language immediately!

    Thank you!


  9. Lourdes says:

    Ha sido una experiencia maravillosa para toda la familia, Nathalie nos enseña cada semana nuevas palabras y ahora estamos con algunos números.
    Me atrevo a solicitar esta clase como extra clase el próximo año, de Lunes a Jueves, por favor…!!!
    Mi hija dice que ya habla 5 idiomas, español, inglés, francés, música y lenguaje de señas…!!!
    Reciba un fuerte abrazo y todo nuestro agradecimiento

    Liked by 1 person

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